March 12, 2020

April 1st marks the commencement of the 42nd edition of the GPPA Oilmen’s Curling Bonspiel.

As of today (March 12) we have 24 teams out of 40 registered for the event.

Sponsorship has been very generous to us this year an we would like to thank them very much for their new and continued support.

There is a lot of prizes of for grabs this year and our slate of entertainment is going to be very enjoyable.

All of this years entertainment has a local flavor.

This next two weeks historically is when the Bonspiel fills up very quickly.

If you are on the fence about entering it would be wise get your entries in very soon.

Last year we had teams on the waiting list and this year a couple of those teams were the first ones to enter this year, so they didn’t miss out like last year.

Entries are available on line in the events section of the website.