GPPA Mixed Curling Bonspiel
November 27 will be the 2nd annual mixed curling bonspiel. if you would like to attend contact Steve Zimmerman at (780) 831-0864
November 27 will be the 2nd annual mixed curling bonspiel. if you would like to attend contact Steve Zimmerman at (780) 831-0864
Time to start planning for the Peace Region Petroleum Show May 18 & 19 / 2011 All information can be accessed at the Petroleum Show Website Peace Region Petroleum Show
It is with great sadness that BJ Services announce the loss of a colleague and friend. Leonard E Barstad passed away Saturday October 9th after his battle with cancer at the age of 64. Leonard was employed by BJ Services for over 36 years. For the past 30 years, Leonard has been a key member of the Industry working and living out of Grande Prairie. Leonard will be remembered for his courage and strength he demonstrated during his illness, as well as an endless supply of story telling, quick with a joke, and his laughter. His contribution and presence will …
Not only are civic elections this year but so are elections to the GPPA executive. If there is some interest by you or would like to see participation by someone else nominations will start being taken next month. Stay tuned for more information as election date is the November General Meeting
Tuesday August 30th marks the start of another School year. Children will be busy meeting new and old friends. Their attention may not be on the busy streets. Watch out for school zones In Grande Prairie the School Zone speed limit is 30km/h 7:30 am to 16:30pm (4:30 pm) Monday to Friday Also watch out for School Buses and never pass a School bus with it’s warning lights on. Enforcement agencies will surely be looking out for speeders in those areas. Please keep our children safe and obey all posted speed limits. Remember it is the speed limit, not the …
Well, another Oilmen’s golf event has come and gone and once again a resounding success. 240 golfers teed it up over 3 days of competition. Sponsors made this whole event possible and many, many thanks go out to them for the continued support they have shown. The Grande Prairie Golf & Country Club were once again the perfect hosts. Everything was in order and the hospitality was second to none. This year saw some very close competition as a lot of the flight winners were decided in a count back to settle the ties. Championship Flight: This year’s tournament champion …
Special Newletter to Members coming soon Members of the GPPA you will receive a special newsletter with information regarding an important decision to be made ot the September general meeting.
There are no upcoming events at this time.