Past Events from April 5, 2010 - November 19, 2009

GP Storm Clay Shoot

Wapiti Shooters Club 705032 Rge Rd. 60,, Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

This event can be attended by calling Ray @780-296-1451


GPPA Oilmen’s Golf Tournament

Grande Prairie Golf & Country Club PO Box 430, Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

NEW: This year we are holding two special events: Thursday, August 4 - 2 Man Scramble Included in full tournament registration only - $325 includes 3 rounds of golf with cart and one green fee for guest in the two man scramble on Thursday.  Horse race and poker tournament to follow play. Friday & Saturday, August 5 & 6 - Medal Play Tournament Medal play registration $225 includes play for a single golfer on Friday and Saturday with the banquet on Friday. Registration Fee You can register for all 3 days for $325 or for the Friday/Saturday only for $225. On our registration form, you ...

$225 – $325

Fall Couples Golf Tournament

Grande Prairie Golf & Country Club PO Box 430, Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

Info coming soon... We'll post stuff when we know it! Registration fee of $165 is per couple. Note: You must complete your online payment for your registration to be submitted. We will not get your registration without the payment!  
