Doors will be open at the Podollan Inn at 6:00 pm Dinner at 7:30 pm and Meeting to follow
Doors will be open at the Podollan Inn at 6:00 pm Dinner at 7:30 pm and Meeting to follow
Ava”s Charity Golf Event September 20, 2019 Morningview Park Golf Course Granddaughter of Larry & Michelle Heinz (Larry was "Oilmen of the Year 2015") Our sweet Ava (15) was diagnosed with Stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma. It is cancer of the connective tissue and muscle. Ava has been incredibly strong and positive since diagnosis; she will fight this, and she will win! - these are her words! Ava started chemo treatments in Edmonton on April 2019 and will continue to need weekly chemo treatments in Edmonton for the next 18 months (October 2020), on top of the weekly chemo treatments Ava ...
Doors will be open at the Podollan Inn at 6:00 pm Dinner at 7:30 pm and Meeting to follow
13th Annual Registration Open! Cost is $225/ Player, Extra banquet tickets $35. Cost for entries after October 15th rises to $265 a player so don't wait! Registration includes: 4 guaranteed games, Jersey and socks, 1 Banquet ticket, 2 free meals at the rink, registration gifts, free appies at draft night (while supplies last) October 23,2019: Draft night at the Lions Den Pub and Carvery. Doors open at 6, there will be 2 Ex-NHLers Darcy Hordichuk and Dave Scatchard on hand telling stories and mingling with the crowd. Come down to to see what team you will be drafted on, free ...
There are no upcoming events at this time.