February 1, 2018

To all members of the GPPA:

On behalf of myself I would like to thank all the GPPA members and the Executive.

As a non-profit organization this past few years we have been challenged, not unlike other nonprofit organization in the Peace region.

However, with all the hard work from our event chairs and volunteers our events were very successful.

Equally important were all the companies that stepped up to sponsor these events. Without them none of this would be possible.

Following approval from our members at the January general meeting we have donate back to  our community. It’s such a great feeling to be able to support organization in the                                      community we live and work.

These donations were from the proceeds from the Petroleum show last spring along with our events held throughout the year. The 5 recipients were

  1. $25,000 to the Hospital foundation. This was 1/3 of the 5 year commitment we made of $75,000
  2. $10,000 to Big brother and Big Sisters of GP and area.
  3. $10,000 to PARDS
  4. $10,000 to  GP school snack program
  5. $10,000 to the Alberta summer games to be held here in GP this July.

Without the hard work of our volunteers and sponsors that support our events none of this would  happen. On behalf of the GPPA executive  THANK YOU.

With everyone’s help we can  make a difference

Rob Petrone