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Results from GPPA Oilmen's Golf Event

August 17, 2012

Another GPPA Oilmen's Golf Event has come and gone. The 34th annual was deemed another success. Mother Nature cooperated and provide some very hot conditions which made it very easyfor the golfers to reach deep into the bag and produce some very low score thisyear. Tournament organizing chairman Kevin Rathburn is pleased with the attendance and looksforward to next year when the Petroleum Association celebrates 35 years hostingthis tournament. Special thanks to the Sponsors, without these businesses we would not be able to hostthis event. Thanks again to the Grande Prairie Golf and Country Club for the excellent conditionsand professional ...

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General Meeting for June *Change*

June 4, 2012

PLEASE NOTE THE DATE AND LOCATION CHANGE FOR JUNE MEETING “SECOND THURSDAY” JUNE 14, 2012 The Grande Prairie Petroleum Association’s next General Meeting will be Thursday June 14, 2012 at the Grande Prairie Golf & Country Club. Dinner will be served 7:30pm .Doors open at 6:00 p.m., meeting at 8:00 p.m. If you are interested in playing Golf at GPG&CC before meeting please contact Kevin Rathburn by June 1 so tee times can be booked via Email: Kevin.Rathburn@mrcmidfield.com Tee times commence at 1:00 pm so, if you have not contacted Kevin by Noon June 4th,  you need to call the ...

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34th Annual GPPA Oilmen's Curling Bonspiel a success.

April 16, 2012

Another GPPA event has come and gone the first of the 2012 year. 56 teams competed for supremacy this year. We ended up with three teams on the waiting list after one cancellation. A reminder that if you plan on attending any GPPA event you need to get your entry in early. New champions were crowned in every event this year. "A" Event winners - Guardian Inspection Services "B" Event winners - Tuboscope NOV "C" Event winners - Flint - Rainbow Lake "D" Event winners - Newalta "E" Event winners - Precision Well Services "F" Event winners - MRC Midfield ...

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