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GPPA Events

Now in our 47th Year

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Become a Member of the Grande Prairie Petroleum Association

Membership in the Grande Prairie Petroleum Association is a valuable and beneficial step for companies operating in the Oil & Gas industry.

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Industry News

Up-to-date news and events in the oil and gas industry in Grande Prairie.

September Guest Speaker Presentation

September 21, 2020

At our September meeting we had the privilege of having Ainsley Miller (Executive Director with the Resource Centre for Suicide Prevention) and, Jody Walker (Mental Health Promotion Facilitator with AHS). It was a great presentation and we have attached it here for anyone who may have missed it. Suicide 2020 Infographic Oilmens.Group.Sept2020pdf

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GPPA Events are being Cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic

April 6, 2020

We the Executive of the GPPA hope this newsletter finds you and your family all safe, during this time when then entire world has been disrupted by something we can't even see. It is with sadness that we announce the cancellation of this months General Meeting. It is also with great sadness we announce the Cancellation of this years GPPA Oilmen's Clayshoot. So cross off of your calendars April 16 - No General Meeting Cross off of your calendar May 2 - No Oilmen's Clayshoot. We will keep everyone advised about Mays General Meeting as date gets closer. Stay Safe, Wash ...

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General Meeting for March Cancelled - As Well Cancelled The GPPA Oilmen's Curling Bonspiel

March 18, 2020

Sad times we are having to live through right now. The General Meeting for this month Scheduled for Thursday the 19th has been cancelled due to the Corona Virus Outbreak. The second victim for the GPPA is also one of our major events of the year the"GPPA Oilmen's Curling Bonspiel", has had to be cancelled as well. Health concerns are foremost in this troubling time. Please, let the price of oil return so our economy can return to better times than we are now experiencing. "Wash you hands every time you get a chance, Don't touch your face, be mindful ...

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